LKR-100 Tsvuku yebhuruu Inopenya Mwenje Doro tester ( Breath Alcohol Testers ) yekusimbisa mutemo

Tsanangudzo Pfupi


Automatic inhalation: mhepo inovhuvhuta nemhepo, mhedzisiro inokurumidza, yakachena uye ine hutsanana.

Maalarm akawanda: alarm yeruzha uye vibration kukurumidza

Kupenya kwakasimba: kureba chena mwenje unosimudzira mwenje uye stroboscopic mwenje

Yepamusoro imwechete alarm: kudzvanya kamwe chete kutanga yemagetsi alarm

Tsvuku nebhuruu kupenya: tsvuku uye yebhuruu chiedza yambiro uye yambiro

Emergency hwindo rekutyora: tungsten simbi hwindo rekutyora, yakachengeteka uye nekukurumidza

Yakasimba magineti kukwezva: yakanakira uye yakagadziriswa mumuviri wemotokari. yakavharirwa. Yambiro zviratidzo

Yakakwira simba bhatiri: 3000mAh yakakwira huwandu. Kuenderera mberi kuyedza waini kweanopfuura mazana mashanu nguva

  • Measurement mode: Kurumidza kutarisa uye kuona otomatiki
  • chiyero chekuyera: 0 ~ 400mg / 100mL BAC
  • Ratidza modhi: 1.29 "OLED ruvara kuratidza
  • Kuyera nguva: inochinjika kubva pa1 kusvika ku15 masekondi
  • uremu: 260g kusanganisira bhatiri
  • mabhatiri: 4.35v/3000mah, anopfuura mazana mashanu nguva dzekuenderera kudhakwa kwedoro
  • saizi: Kureba * dhayamita: 261 mm * 45 mm
  • Product Detail

    Product Tags

    LKR-100 Tsvuku yebhuruu Inopenya Mwenje Doro tester




    Fuel cell-type exhaled gas Alcohol Tester Fuel Cell Type Breath Alcohol Analyzer


    Automatic inhalation: mhepo inovhuvhuta nemhepo, mhedzisiro inokurumidza, yakachena uye ine hutsanana.

    Maalarm akawanda: alarm yeruzha uye vibration kukurumidza

    Kupenya kwakasimba: kureba chena mwenje unosimudzira mwenje uye stroboscopic mwenje

    Yepamusoro imwechete alarm: kudzvanya kamwe chete kutanga yemagetsi alarm

    Tsvuku nebhuruu kupenya: tsvuku uye yebhuruu chiedza yambiro uye yambiro

    Emergency hwindo rekutyora: tungsten simbi hwindo rekutyora, yakachengeteka uye nekukurumidza

    Yakasimba magineti kukwezva: yakanakira uye yakagadziriswa mumuviri wemotokari. yakavharirwa. Yambiro zviratidzo

    Yakakwira simba bhatiri: 3000mAh yakakwira huwandu. Kuenderera mberi kuyedza waini kweanopfuura mazana mashanu nguva


    Before use, please check whether the battery is installed, unscrew the battery cover with the counter- clockwise rotation, load the battery into the battery form at the positive and negative electrode, and rotate the battery cover clockwise.

    I. Alcohol concentration detection
    Long press the “alcohol exhaust test button” for 2 seconds to open the machine, and the screen shows the boot screen (Figure 1). Press again, voice prompt “blow please”, blow for 2-4 seconds:

    A. When the subject does not sample the alcohol gas, the voice prompts “Thank you for your cooperation”, and the screen shows “No alcohol” (Figure 2);

    B. When the subject samples the alcohol gas, the baton will appear in a red and blue flash, and the voice prompt is “Sorry, you have drunk”, showing

    the screen The screen shows “consumed alcohol + alcohol concentration (00 mg / 100mL)” (Figure 3). After turning on, press “alcohol test key” for 3 seconds to turn down long, and the screen shows the shutdown screen (Figure4).

    2、the baton operation Press the “light button” short, turn on the light often on, press the light again, press to turn off the light again Short press on the “warning light button”, open the baton is often bright state, and then short click on the cycle to choose: often bright, strobe, interactive flash, turn off.

    3、Flashlight operation .
    Press the “light button” short, turn on the light often on, press the light again, press to turn off the lig

    4、Sentinel operation You can set up or view the eight menus of “machine calibration, clock setting, record query, system setting, voice When starting on, press “Lighting button” and “Warning light button” to enter the menu setting interface.Press “light button / warning light button” to choose up and down, press “alcohol row test button” to confirm, and press “light button” and “warning light button” to return to the previous level Short press “electronic whistle button”, machine “tick”; long press “electronic whistle button”, machine “tick. …”.







    Parameter  tsanangudzo
    Measurement mode Kurumidza kutarisa uye kuona otomatiki
    Kupomba mode Kuramba kuchipomba, kupomba kunoramba kuchishanda, kuyerwa kunogona kumiswa chero nguva zvichienderana nezvinodiwa.
    kuyerwa siyana 0 ~ 400mg/100mL BAC
    kunzwa 0.5mg/100mL BAC
    Chiyero chekuyera Mg / L (BRAC) uye Mg / ml (BAC) isarudzo
    Display mode 1.29 "OLED ruvara kuratidza
    Fomu yekushandisa Menu style
    Key Makiyi mana: kiyi yemwenje yearamu, kiyi yekuona doro, kiyi yekuvhenekesa uye kiyi yekuridza muridzo. Makiyi mana ane mabasa akazvimirira
    kuyerwa kwechokwadi Kana iyo yakajairwa gasi iri 50mg / 100ml BAC:
    A. Kana chinhambwe chekufuridza chiri pasi pe5cm: ± 5.0mg/100ml
    B. Kana nhambwe yekufuridza iri 5 ~ 10cm: ± 6.0mg/100ml
    C. Kana nhambwe yekufuridza inopfuura 10cm: ± 10.0mg/100ml
    Kuyera nguva Inogadziriswa kubva pa1 kusvika ku15 seconds
    mamiriro ekunze Kushanda tembiricha siyana: 0 ~ 50 ℃
    Kunyorova kwezvakatipoteredza: 20 ~ 98%
    Atmospheric pressure: 600 ~ 1400hpa
    Shandisa mabhatiri 18650 lithium bhatiri: 4.35v/3000mah, kanopfuura mazana mashanu enguva yekuenderera kwedoro bvunzo
    uremu 260g kusanganisira bhatiri
    marara emagetsi Kushanda kwakajairika 120mA, chiedza pa300mA
    Kushandisa masensa 11mm fuel cell sensor
    Tochi basa Simbisa chiedza chichena
    Baton basa Chiedza chitsvuku uye chebhuruu chinogara chiripo, stroboscopic uye inopindirana flash mabasa inogona kuchinjika pakuda
    saizi Kureba * dhayamita: 261 mm * 45 mm
    Simba rekuchengetedza maitiro Icho chiridzwa chinozozvivharira mumaminitsi mashanu pasi pemamiriro ekuedzwa kwewaini, asi kwete nenzira yetochi uye baton.





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