LKR-100 Red blue Flashing Lights Alcohol tester ( Breath Alcohol Testers ) kuti azitsatira malamulo

Kufotokozera Kwachidule:


Kupuma modzidzimutsa: mpweya wodutsa mumlengalenga, zotsatira zake zimakhala zachangu, zaukhondo komanso zaukhondo.

Ma alarm angapo: alamu yowunikira komanso kugwedezeka

Kuunikira kwamphamvu: Kuwala koyera kwamtunda wautali kumawunikira kuyatsa ndi kuyatsa kwa stroboscopic

Alamu imodzi yayikulu: dinani kamodzi kuti muyambitse alamu yamagetsi

Kuwala kofiira ndi buluu: chenjezo la kuwala kofiira ndi buluu ndi tcheru

Wosweka zenera mwadzidzidzi: tungsten chitsulo chophwanya zenera, otetezeka komanso achangu

Kukopa kwamphamvu kwa maginito: kosavuta komanso kosasunthika m'galimoto yamagalimoto. mpanda. Zizindikiro zochenjeza

Batire yamphamvu kwambiri: 3000mAh mphamvu yayikulu. Kuyesa kwa vinyo kosalekeza kwanthawi zopitilira 500

  • Njira yoyezera: Kuwunika mwachangu ndikudziwikiratu
  • kuyeza osiyanasiyana: 0 ~ 400mg/100mL BAC
  • Mawonekedwe owonetsera: 1.29 "Chiwonetsero chamtundu wa OLED
  • Kuyeza nthawi: Zosinthika kuchokera 1 mpaka 15 masekondi
  • kulemera: 260g kuphatikizapo batire
  • mabatire: 4.35v/3000mah, nthawi zopitilira 500 zoyeserera mosalekeza mowa
  • kukula: Utali * awiri: 261 mm * 45 mm
  • Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda

    Zogulitsa Tags

    LKR-100 Red blue Flashing Lights Mowa woyesa




    Fuel cell-type exhaled gas Alcohol Tester Fuel Cell Type Breath Alcohol Analyzer


    Kupuma modzidzimutsa: mpweya wodutsa mumlengalenga, zotsatira zake zimakhala zachangu, zaukhondo komanso zaukhondo.

    Ma alarm angapo: alamu yowunikira komanso kugwedezeka

    Kuunikira kwamphamvu: Kuwala koyera kwamtunda wautali kumawunikira kuyatsa ndi kuyatsa kwa stroboscopic

    Alamu imodzi yayikulu: dinani kamodzi kuti muyambitse alamu yamagetsi

    Kuwala kofiira ndi buluu: chenjezo la kuwala kofiira ndi buluu ndi tcheru

    Wosweka zenera mwadzidzidzi: tungsten chitsulo chophwanya zenera, otetezeka komanso achangu

    Kukopa kwamphamvu kwa maginito: kosavuta komanso kosasunthika m'galimoto yamagalimoto. mpanda. Zizindikiro zochenjeza

    Batire yamphamvu kwambiri: 3000mAh mphamvu yayikulu. Kuyesa kwa vinyo kosalekeza kwanthawi zopitilira 500


    Before use, please check whether the battery is installed, unscrew the battery cover with the counter- clockwise rotation, load the battery into the battery form at the positive and negative electrode, and rotate the battery cover clockwise.

    I. Alcohol concentration detection
    Long press the “alcohol exhaust test button” for 2 seconds to open the machine, and the screen shows the boot screen (Figure 1). Press again, voice prompt “blow please”, blow for 2-4 seconds:

    A. When the subject does not sample the alcohol gas, the voice prompts “Thank you for your cooperation”, and the screen shows “No alcohol” (Figure 2);

    B. When the subject samples the alcohol gas, the baton will appear in a red and blue flash, and the voice prompt is “Sorry, you have drunk”, showing

    the screen The screen shows “consumed alcohol + alcohol concentration (00 mg / 100mL)” (Figure 3). After turning on, press “alcohol test key” for 3 seconds to turn down long, and the screen shows the shutdown screen (Figure4).

    2、the baton operation Press the “light button” short, turn on the light often on, press the light again, press to turn off the light again Short press on the “warning light button”, open the baton is often bright state, and then short click on the cycle to choose: often bright, strobe, interactive flash, turn off.

    3、Flashlight operation .
    Press the “light button” short, turn on the light often on, press the light again, press to turn off the lig

    4、Sentinel operation You can set up or view the eight menus of “machine calibration, clock setting, record query, system setting, voice When starting on, press “Lighting button” and “Warning light button” to enter the menu setting interface.Press “light button / warning light button” to choose up and down, press “alcohol row test button” to confirm, and press “light button” and “warning light button” to return to the previous level Short press “electronic whistle button”, machine “tick”; long press “electronic whistle button”, machine “tick. …”.



    Chithunzi cha NVS-100-08




    Parameter  kufotokoza
    Njira yoyezera Kufufuza mwachangu ndikudziwikiratu
    Kupopa mode Kupopa mosalekeza, kupopera mosalekeza mukamagwira ntchito, kuyeza kumatha kuyimitsidwa nthawi iliyonse malinga ndi kufunikira.
    mtunda woyezera 0 ~ 400mg/100mL BAC
    tcheru 0.5mg/100mL BAC
    Chigawo cha muyeso Mg / L (BRAC) ndi Mg / ml (BAC) ndizosankha
    Onetsani mawonekedwe 1.29 "Chiwonetsero chamtundu wa OLED
    Fomu ya ntchito Mtundu wa menyu
    Chinsinsi Makiyi anayi: makiyi a alamu, makiyi ozindikira mowa, makiyi owunikira ndi kiyi ya mluzu. Makiyi anayi ali ndi ntchito zodziimira
    kuyeza kulondola Pamene ndende ya mpweya wabwino ndi 50mg / 100ml BAC:
    A. Pamene mtunda wowomba ndi wosakwana 5cm: ± 5.0mg/100ml
    B. Pamene mtunda wowomba ndi 5 ~ 10cm: ± 6.0mg/100ml
    C. Pamene mtunda wowomba ndi woposa 10cm: ± 10.0mg/100ml
    Kuyeza nthawi Zosintha kuchokera 1 mpaka 15 masekondi
    chikhalidwe cha chilengedwe Ntchito kutentha osiyanasiyana: 0 ~ 50 ℃
    Chinyezi cha chilengedwe: 20 ~ 98%
    Kuthamanga kwa mumlengalenga: 600 ~ 1400hpa
    Gwiritsani ntchito mabatire 18650 lithiamu batri: 4.35v / 3000mah, nthawi zopitilira 500 zoyeserera mosalekeza mowa
    kulemera 260g kuphatikiza batire
    kuwononga mphamvu Kugwira ntchito mwachizolowezi 120mA, kuwala pa 300mA
    Kugwiritsa ntchito masensa 11mm sensor cell cell
    Ntchito tochi Onetsani kuwala koyera
    Baton ntchito Kuwala kofiyira ndi buluu kumakhala koyaka nthawi zonse, ntchito za stroboscopic ndi interactive flash zitha kusinthidwa mwakufuna
    kukula Utali * awiri: 261 mm * 45 mm
    Njira yopulumutsira mphamvu Chidacho chimangotseka mphindi 5 pansi pa mayeso a vinyo, koma osati ngati tochi ndi baton.





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