NOVESTOM S29D-4G-live-streaming-Military-Tactical-helmet-camera with GPS WIFI LTE live streaming
NVS4-T-4G WIFI Live streaming body worn camera for police
NVS4-D-live-streaming body worn camera with LTE WIFI 4G SOS-NOVESTOM-TECH
NOVESTOM LKR-100-Breath-Alcohol-Tester
NVS4-C-4G-ቀጥታ-ዥረት-የሰውነት-የለበሰ-ካሜራ-ፖሊስ ከኤስኦኤስ GPS WIFI ጋር
  • ጥራት


    ድርጅታችን ISO 9001:2008, CE, Rohs, EMC ስርዓት ፈተና ሰርተፍኬት አልፏል እና ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸው ምርቶች አሉት.
  • አገልግሎት


    ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ወዲያውኑ ምላሽ እንሰጣለን, እና የምርት ዋስትና, አገልግሎት እና የቴክኒክ ድጋፍ እንሰጣለን.
  • ODM እና OEM

    ODM እና OEM

    Novestom የኦሪጂናል ዕቃ አምራች እና የኦዲኤም ምርቶችን ዲዛይን እና ምርት ይደግፋል።
አካል የለበሰ ካሜራ


አካል የለበሰ ካሜራ

  • NOVESTOM provides a full range of Body Worn Video Cameras and supporting systems that provide Law enforcement and evidence collection total convenience. As a complete solution provider, we focus on much more than body worn video cameras. Our services include Digital Evidence Management Software, multi-unit docking stations and accessories - all backed by NOVESTOM’s dedicated support team who are committed to your success.
  • 8 ወደቦች የመትከያ ጣቢያ


    8 ወደቦች የመትከያ ጣቢያ

  • NVS10-B Smart Hub 8ports docking stations facilitate both the recharging and uploading of video from NOVESTOM’s Body Worn Video Cameras into NOVESTOM’s Digital Evidence Management Software (DEMS). They can upload data to storage device and charging for all cameras directly, and meaning as soon as your cameras are charged they are ready to use again. NOVESTOM’s Digital Evidence Management Software (DEMS) platforms offer secure and user-friendly management playback and inquiry of videos and images taken from a NOVESTOM Body Worn Camera. Built on a world-leading infrastructure platform it offers data security, integrity, customisation and intuitive navigation. NOVESTOM offers multiple deployment options; Standalone, Enterprise or Cloud-based to suit your requirements.
  • ዲጂታል የማስረጃ አስተዳደር ሶፍትዌር

    ኖቬስቶም-ሶፍትዌር ስርዓት

    ዲጂታል የማስረጃ አስተዳደር ሶፍትዌር

  • NOVESTOM has a complete video and data management software system, including DEMS, Visual Command Platform, Camera Management Setting software and auxiliary encryption, which can be suitable for more customers to choose security solutions
  • ማረጋገጫ

    አካል የሚለብስ ካሜራ እና የመትከያ ጣቢያ ISO 9001-2008 የምስክር ወረቀት ከኖቬስቶም
    የEMC ሙከራ ለNVS5 ፖሊስ አካል ካሜራ
    NVS7 የፖሊስ አካል ካሜራ ከWIFI ጂፒኤስ ንድፍ ጋር
    ለNVS7-wifi አካል የለበሱ የፖሊስ ካሜራዎች የEMC ሰርተፍኬት
    NVS9 ለገጽታ የፈጠራ ባለቤትነት
    CE የምስክር ወረቀት ለ NVS7 wifi ፖሊስ አካል ካሜራ
    NVS4-C ለገጽታ የፈጠራ ባለቤትነት
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